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TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts

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TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts - Page 36 Empty Re: TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts

Message  miliibnb Lun 15 Déc - 19:59

tu vois ce que t'as dit pour went ma winette, et bin moi je dis pareil pour rob :


muhahahahha !!!!!

nan mais sans dec j'y crois pas du tout en plus lol !! mais bon faut bien l'exception qui confirme la règle !!!! lol!
Recherche désespérement Susan B

Féminin Nombre de messages : 8005
Age : 38
Localisation : écume tous les starbucks à la recherche de went...
Date d'inscription : 22/05/2007


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TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts - Page 36 Empty Re: TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts

Message  Gossip-girl17 Mar 16 Déc - 15:31

Lycée toujours bloqué, donc je viens poster les news.

TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts - Page 36 2n03jwh

EN COMMENÇANT PAR MA CHERIE TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts - Page 36 Invisio3 TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts - Page 36 Invisio3 TOPIC OFFICEL des Twilight Addicts - Page 36 Invisio3 qui a donné une interview à la radio vraiment super. Je crois que personne n'est aussi terre à terre et honnête qu'elle.

"Usually I come in and sit down at roundtables in America and they look at me like 'What is wrong with you?!' Just because I don't fit...NOBODY fits into the frame that typical Hollywood young actresses do, but they TRY to. They try to be this thing...try to memorize answers and make everybody happy. That's like so horrifying and scary to me. So when you're NOT that, you get criticized for it. You get criticized for being honest and criticized for being nervous. So that's kind of annoying. I do a whole day of press and then I get calls from publicity people that are like, 'you might want to be a little bit more bubbly'. And I'm like, 'no.....no!' People get very upset in the States. It's weird. Fans of the book especially. They don't understand me. Which is fine. I guess it doesn't really matter who I am, I just hope that they like the movie."

"What makes me nervous is talking about the movie and talking to people and hoping that I don't really piss people off. Because that's what I tend to do when I do interviews. I really don't understand it. So that's what makes me quite nervous. And then people get pissed off BECAUSE I'm nervous, so it's really a no-win situation."

"I don't know if they don't see how excited I am? They think that I'm unappreciative. I can only do a film if, for whatever reason, I feel so compelled by it that the thought of not doing it and the thought of doing it at the same time makes me want to throw up. I don't know...they think that I'm very blasé about it. Which is CRAZY! I just don't get it. I think that they'd rather see me go up and be like 'EDWARD CULLEN IS SO HOT!' That's not what the story is about. I'm not talking about everybody. This is really gonna...oh god. Anytime I say anything it's gonna be the wrong thing to say."